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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Almost 18 years of life, and I wonder how good or bad this world full of people is… I surely am a young entrant to this drama called ‘Life’ but these initial years have taught me one very important lesson, you are alone at the end of the day. 

All of us have different notions about the handful of people around us,  our family, friends, siblings, teachers, colleagues etc. And most of the times these notions aren’t just our own, they are influenced highly by the kind of ‘friends’ we have and the kind of society we live in.

Even after spending a considerable time in this world, I still haven’t figured out the set of people who fall under the various categories that I have set. I am not any saint, so for me a category roughly similar to the ‘Bad people’ does exist! But along with it I have a never ending list of wonderful people too but somehow the list keeps increasing and decreasing with each of their actions.
In today’s times being smart doesn’t really mean being truthful or even genuine for that matter, it just means creating an illusion in others minds that you love them the most! A selfish mentality, an attitude of ‘First I’ or ‘I, Me, Myself’ is evident from not just our actions but also our lifestyle.

I don’t consider myself to be one of those ‘smart’ people anyway, my emotions are reflected clearly on my face and even in my words, by just saying ‘oh I love you so much’ when inside you are murmuring ‘ You are such a jerk’ I don’t think we do much good to the society. 

We humans, I have come to realize is, are a very funny breed altogether, our notions of who’s good or who’s bad is directly proportional to the good or bad things others do to us. In fact, if someone does something good for us by harming a third people, we tend to like the person because he has done something good for us; we easily ignore the fact that he harmed someone else in the process of making us happy! But if the same person does the exactly same thing but places us at the other end, we tend to dislike the person.
Why these double standards? 

I'm still in search this answer....
But it isn't worng to conclude with this,
We all dislike criticism
We are scared to say the truth
We are afraid of being alone!
The sooner we accept the problem, the quicker we’ll be able to solve it.

Don’t be what others want you to be, just be yourself and let the world follow.

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